Weather in the Nantahala Gorge
Bryson City
7:49 am7:38 pm EDT
Feels like: 48°F
Wind: 4mph WSW
Pressure: 29.88"Hg
UV index: 0

  June July August
Normal Daily Maximum: 82 84 84
Normal Daily Minimum: 56 60 59

Nights in the gorge can be cooler; even down to 40 degrees. So bring warm clothes for the evenings and shorts for the days. It really warms up fast.

Days in the Gorge are generally cool. If you check the local weather in Bryson City above, you can bet that it is going to be 5 to 10 degrees cooler in the Gorge during the warmer months, and 5 to 10 degrees warmer in the winter months, so “Dress Accordingly”.

Yes!, the water is Cold. It ranges from 48 – 55 degrees during the open season. So when you get splashed, chances are, you are going to let everyone know it. Swim suits are fine, but we suggest they be worn under your shorts and T-shirts.

You and your feet are going to get a little wet, so if you have some sort of closed toe shoe that you don’t mind getting wet, that will be perfect. If not, we have “neoprene wet shoes” called booties that we can rent to you for a small fee. During the Winter or Cold months we have the full line of Wetsuits, Booties, Splash Jackets and Pants. Bring something warm for your head, and we’ll have the showers hot for you when you return to the Outpost.

If you have a camera, or something that you want to keep dry, we suggest that you double bag your items in zip locks, or we have water proof cases and zip bags that you can purchase here.

Absolutely “No Glass or Cans” are allowed on the River. If you want to bring something to drink, bring a plastic bottle, and keep the lid on it when not in use. We discourage eating on your trip. It is only 2 hours on the river, and food usually means wrappers and containers that turn into litter, and they tend to be the last thing you think about if things get a little hairy. We do everything we can to keep our river clean. We have a picnic area on the campground for grabbing a snack either before or after your trip, or we can arrange a BarBQ or Pizza Lunch for you that will be just right before or after your trip.

And if you really need to be told, we are concerned for your safety, so Absolutely No Alcohol or Drugs are allowed. If you are under the Influence of either, or we suspect you are under the effects of, you will not be allowed on the river, and will not be eligible for a refund. We are concerned about your safety, and the safety of others who might stop and try to help you.

Contact Us!
Paddle Inn Rafting Company

Call toll free – (800) 711-RAFT (7238)
local calls – 828-488-9651
or send an e-mail: info@paddleinnrafting.com14611 US 19 West
Bryson City, North Carolina 28713
Come See us in North Carolina, we’re right on the Nantahala River!
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